Educate. Engage. Connect. Empower.
Participant registrations for this event are full. Online registration for Observers is now closed. You may inquire about event space at the registration desk on Thursday from 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
This fall's statewide Town Hall on "Criminal Justice in Arizona" will actively engage diverse participants in panel discussions on what is the best way to create and maintain safe, productive communities.
Cost: In addition to the cost of your lodging during the Town Hall, the cost for meals and registration is: $510.
Guests and observers can purchase meals separately.
If you plan to attend the Town Hall as an observer, register using the “Observer” form and choose your meals.
All meal programs are open to the general public. If you plan to attend a meal program only, click here to register and choose your meals.
Click here to reserve your hotel online. (Discounted rate ends October 19, 2018)
For additional information, visit the Upcoming Town Hall page.
If you have any questions or need any assistance with the registration process, please contact the Arizona Town Hall office by email or by phone at (602) 252-9600.
The last day for cancellations and refunds is Friday, October 19, 2018.
Arizona Town Hall is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that brings diverse people together to solve critical and often divisive policy issues
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Arizona Town Hall | PO Box 37108 | Phoenix, AZ 85069 | 602.252.9600 | Contact Us