Below is a listing of past Town Hall topics and the related publications. Click the links below to download and read a digital copy of the reports. Click the Town Hall topic number to visit the individual topic's media page.
"Voting and Elections in Arizona" Full Final Report | "Equity for All Arizonans" |
"Capitalizing on Arizona's Arts and Culture" | "Building Arizona's Future: Jobs, Innovation & Competitiveness" |
"Riding the Fiscal Roller Coaster: Government Revenue in Arizona" | "From Here to There: Transportation Opportunities for Arizona" |
"Who Will Teach Our Children?" | "Land Use: Challenges and Choices for the 21st Century" | "Health Care in Arizona: Accessibility, Affordability and Accountability" |
"Arizona's Rapid Growth and Development: People and the Demand for Services" |
"Arizona's Rapid Growth and Development: Natural Resources and Infrastructure" | "Maximizing Arizona's Opportunities in the Biosciences and Biotechnology" | "Arizona as a Border State - Competing in the Global Economy" |
"Pre-K Through 12 Education: Choices for Arizona's Future" | "The Realities of Arizona's Fiscal Planning Processes" | "Health Care Options: Healthy Aging - Later Life Decisions" |
Historic Topics Since 1962 there have been 115 Arizona Town Hall topics. Below are the individual pages for the summaries, media, and other items relating to the 75th through 115th topics. Electronic copies of reports of the 82nd through 113th Town Halls may be downloaded by clicking on the links below. To purchase copies of printed reports contact the Arizona Town Hall office at (602) 252-9600 or by email at |
For copies of older Town Hall reports and other documents, please contact the Arizona Town Hall office by phone at (602) 252-9600 or by email at