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Town Hall Outcomes

The experience of participating in a Town Hall along with the recommendations has resulted in impacts both large and small.

What we have accomplished

  • Establishment of the Arizona Department of Revenue.
  • Voluntary contributions for multipurpose districts (payment of in-lieu taxes).
  • Creation of the Arizona Water Commission.
  • Development of current method for selecting judicial candidates for the state’s most populous counties.
  • Establishment of the Ground Water Management Act that provided for the creation of the Department of Water Resources.
  • Establishment of a statewide jobs training program.
  • Authorization of motor fuel tax increases to fund freeway expansion in the Maricopa County area.
  • Creation of an Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. (Suggestion for this department was made at the 47th Town Hall on water quality; further suggestions for the department’s responsibilities were highlighted at the 52nd Town Hall on air quality and the 59th Town Hall on the environment).
  • Creation of an economic development, international trade and tourism committee within the Arizona House of Representatives.
  • Passage of the Juvenile Crime Omnibus Bill, termed by many professionals as the most significant reform of juvenile crime measures in many years.
  • Passage of an initiative on the 2000 ballot regarding reform of Arizona’s redistricting process.
  • “Growing Smarter” legislation to strengthen urban planning and provision for open space.
  • Establishment of the Governor’s Transportation Vision 21 Task Force.
  • Passage of a bill that addresses the fiscal policy and tax concerns expressed in a number of Town Halls.
  • Action by the Arizona Department of Commerce to organize and oversee a statewide economic study.
  • Encouragement of legislation to authorize the Secretary of State to establish a statewide directory for medical advance directives.
  • Adoption of the “Rules of Civil Procedure” that are designed to speed civil court cases and reduce costs.
  • Creation of the Sedona Cultural Park.
  • Passage in the 1994 Special Legislative Session of a number of bills centering on “youth at risk” issues.
  • Formation of Science Foundation of Arizona with the hiring of Dr. William Harris as its first President and CEO.
  • Dedication of $35 million by the Arizona State Legislature plus private-fund pledges toward the development of the bioscience and biotechnology industry.
  • Establishment of the UA College of Medicine-Phoenix.
  • Establishment of the “Move On When Ready” initiative for Arizona students.
  • Passage of the one-cent state sales tax in 2010 to address Arizona’s budget crisis.
  • Preservation of the merit selection system for judges, which was under attack during the 2010-2011 legislative session.
  • Participants of the Arts and Culture Town Hall formed a “Next Steps” group which developed action agendas around several of the major Town Hall recommendations.
  • An arts and culture political action committee was formed to raise money to contribute to arts-friendly candidates in the 2012 elections. Arizona Citizens/Action for the Arts conducted an extensive voter engagement and education effort.
  • Recommendations from the 101st Arizona Town Hall on Civic Leadership and the 102nd Town Hall on Higher Education are being used by stakeholders as a road map for policy changes and community action.
  • Integration of civic engagement curriculum into community colleges.
  • Regional economic development plans.
  • Community actions to improve access to early education resources.
  • Education of thousands of Arizonans on water issues in Arizona.
  • Changes in local policies to improve the resilience of vulnerable populations.
  • Local, regional and statewide efforts to conserve water.
  • Economic development strategies for local, regional and statewide efforts.
  • Binational programs to strengthen the Arizona/Sonora economic region.
  • Increases to preK-12 education funding.

Arizona Town Hall is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that brings diverse people together to solve critical and often divisive policy issues

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