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Become a Partner

Make a Difference ... Partner with the Arizona Town Hall

Be recognized as an active, engaged, and committed community member and connect with a diverse cross-section of private, public, and nonprofit leaders.

Support our time-tested, well-respected organization and civil discourse process.

  1. To either become a partner, or renew your partnership, select the appropriate option below and follow the instructions. 
  2. Review our Partnership Levels with benefits ranging from $500 to $50,000 or contact the Arizona Town Hall office.
  3. If you prefer to mail in your commitment, click here to download and print the Partnership Commitment Form.

For physical mail, please send to: Arizona Town Hall, P.O. Box 37108, Phoenix, AZ 85069 or Arizona Town Hall, 17235 N 75th Ave, Ste D-145, Glendale, AZ 85308

Partnership Levels

 Premier Partner ($25,000 - $50,000)  Collaborator Partner ($10,000 - $24,999)
  • Recognition as Arizona Town Hall Partner 
  • Opportunity for one in-house, personalized Town Hall 
  • Opportunity for collaborative press release or op-ed with Arizona Town Hall 
  • Special recognition at Annual Meeting, with speaking opportunity 
  • Special recognition at Annual Topic Capstone Event (or Statewide session), with speaking opportunity 
  • Six complimentary seats at any community program 
  • Recognition as the name sponsor of multiple community programs, with speaking opportunity 
  • Logo on Arizona Town Hall digital and print materials
  • Recognition as Arizona Town Hall Partner 
  • Opportunity for collaborative press release or op-ed with Arizona Town Hall 
  • Five complimentary seats at any community program 
  • Recognition at Annual Topic Capstone Event (or Statewide session), with speaking opportunity 
  • Recognition as the name sponsor of a community program, with speaking opportunity 
  • Logo on Arizona Town Hall digital and print materials
 Civic Leader Partner ($5,000 - $9,999)  Contributor Partner ($2,500 - $4,999)
  • Recognition as Arizona Town Hall Partner 
  • Four complimentary seats at a community program 
  • Recognition at Annual Topic Capstone Event (or Statewide session) 
  • Recognition as a primary sponsor of one community program, with speaking opportunity 
  • Logo on Arizona Town Hall digital and print materials
  • Recognition as Arizona Town Hall Partner
  • Four complimentary seats at a community program
  • Recognition at Annual Topic Capstone Event (or Statewide session)
  • Logo on Arizona Town Hall digital and print materials
 Supporter Partner ($1,000 - $2,499)  Associate Partner ($500 - $999)
  • Recognition as Arizona Town Hall Partner
  • Recognition at Annual Topic Capstone Event (or Statewide session)
  • Logo on Arizona Town Hall digital and print materials
  • Recognition as Arizona Town Hall Partner
  • Logo on Arizona Town Hall digital and print materials

Advance arrangements required for all complimentary seats, sponsorship of community programs, speaking opportunities, press releases, and op-eds. Please contact Arizona Town Hall staff for level inquiries and additional details.

Partnership Form

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Please only list your last name.
*Primary E-mail
*Cell Phone
Your current professional or volunteer title.
Please list your organization, company, association, etc.
Home Address 1
Home Address 2
Home City
Home Zip
*Support Amount ($USD)
*Partnership Level
Please indicate your Partnership Level
Optional: Use this space to leave a comment.

Arizona Town Hall is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Click here for our most recent W-9 Form.

Arizona Town Hall is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that brings diverse people together to solve critical and often divisive policy issues

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#AZTownHall #WeGetPeopleTalking

Arizona Town Hall | P.O. Box 37108 | Phoenix, AZ 85069 | 602-252-9600 | Email Us

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