Educate. Engage. Connect. Empower.
Annual Meeting and Summit on Future Topics
11:00 - Registration and Silent Auction
12:00 - Luncheon - Speakers on Potential Topics
During the luncheon, attendees will hear from speakers on the three potential future Town Hall topics:
2:00 - Panel Discussions - Panel groups will discuss the three topics presented at the luncheon, have the opportunity to introduce potential topics and vote.
3:15 - Report on Topic Selection
Cost of lunch is $50.
Please sign in to the website before choosing your registration.
There will be a social-networking mixer prior to the Annual Meeting on Thursday, June 6 from 4:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Click here for more information and to register.
For those who need to make hotel reservations at the Sheraton Crescent, please email staff any questions at
Arizona Town Hall is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that brings diverse people together to solve critical and often divisive policy issues
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