5 Tips for Making Your Vote Count
By Tara Jackson
Vote in the Primary: Most legislative districts are predominantly Republican or Democrat, which means that most elections in Arizona are decided in the primary. Because so few people vote in the primary, those who do get the biggest bang for their buck.
For Independents, Choose the Primary With the Greatest Impact on the Elections: If you are one of the growing number of Independents, select the party that dominates in your area. For example, if your district is predominantly Republican, choose the Republican primary. If your district is primarily Democrat, choose the Democratic primary. Independents can choose which primary they want to vote in at the polls or request an early ballot for the primary of choice by contacting the Secretary of State’s office. For more information go to https://my.arizona.vote/PortalList.aspx.
Make it Easy to Vote: Sign up to automatically receive a mail-in ballot (which you can also drop off at any polling place on election day) by registering for the Permanent Early Voting List at https://my.arizona.vote/PortalList.aspx.
Voting for the Best Candidate: Ignore all T.V. and mail ads. Instead, research candidates using nonpartisan websites like http://www.votesmart.org and analysis by reputable news sources which allow you to compare and choose candidates. Pay attention to how candidates say they will solve a problem. Is it realistic? Does it model the leadership style you believe to be the best for the state? What do organizations who champion the causes you support say about the candidates?
Judges: Most Arizona judges are subject to an intense evaluation process by a nonpartisan, independent group called The Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance Review. Use their analysis in selecting whether to vote to retain judges subject to Arizona’s Merit Selection System http://azjudges.info/. For other judges in smaller counties and Justices of the Peace, check to make sure that they have not been subject to discipline at http://www.azcourts.gov/azcjc/ArizonaCommissiononJudicialConduct.aspx.